Tuesday, January 24, 2012

With thanks

We, the family of Terry Hamblin, would like to thank everyone for their kindness in recent days. We have been much touched by the many cards and messages we have received, the various internet tributes, including responses to this blog, and the great attendance, in person and virtually, at today's thanksgiving service. This has been, as you can imagine, a profoundly difficult time for all of us, but the clear articulation of the regard and love in which Terry was held by so many people has been a source of great comfort.

With our thanks

Diane, Karen, Richard, Angela and David Hamblin


  1. My name is Paul Gordon, when I was 9 years old I had an adult version of IPT and without Terry, I would not be here today. I am incredibly grateful for the gift Terry gave me, my life.

    May he rest in peace.

  2. Two old friends in Florida, Harry and June, were privileged to be able to watch the live cast of the Thanksgiving Service today. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Diane, and with all your family as you grieve your loss. We thank the Lord for every memory we have of our friendship with you both from many years ago at Lansdowne. We were physically represented by Alison who was in the congregation.

  3. I was finally able to watch the Service for Dr. Hamblin today. What a wonderful tribute to an amazing man. I am one of the many CLL patients who have benefited from his knowledge and caring, and will be forever grateful for everything he did for the CLL community at large and for the many individuals who sought his help in times of need.

    I hope you will leave his blog up for us to revisit. The CLL information is invaluable, and I read that it would be put in a format which we will have access to. The other posts show so much of the person he was that I hope to be able to revisit them as well. There is so much wisdom, humor, and general joy for life as well as his many wonderful writings about his beliefs.

    I know he is above bending God's ear about what this patient or that needs and maybe entertaining him with some of his famous jokes. I wonder if God will be honest and tell him which ones are as bad as people said some were.


  4. My name is Lourdes Manabat from the Philippines...
    Prof.Hamblin is God send to us... in his God given gift and talent...he was able to help all kinds of people..spiritually...emotionally...physically and financially. Prof.Hamblin is supporting us in prayer and financially as missionary. We give Glory to God for his life.I pray that God will raise people like Prof.Hamblin.

  5. My name is Lourdes Manabat from the Philippines...
    Prof.Hamblin is God send to us... in his God given gift and talent...he was able to help all kinds of people..spiritually...emotionally...physically and financially. Prof.Hamblin is supporting us in prayer and financially as missionary. We give Glory to God for his life.I pray that God will raise people like Prof.Hamblin.

  6. Today was my monthly check-in to read Dr. Hamblin's blog. I am shocked and saddened to learn of his death. In my struggle to understand and decide on a treatment path for my CLL Dr. Hamblin's masterful insights guided and inspired me.

    I wish to extend my heartfelt condolences to Dr. Hamblin's family.

  7. sorry for your loss. Terry was a remarkable man, I hope you will leave the blog up as a memorialand inspiration.

  8. Please know we are thinking of you, Mrs. Hamblin and your family. We pray for you in your grief as you learn to go on.

    We met Dr. Hamblin in Ohio in 2003 or 2004. He invited my husband to come to his clinic for a specialized test for Cll mutated gene, that was not then available in the US. We were able to schedule a few days while in London in Jan of the next year. We had used tickets our son and his wife gifted us with to visit them in Sicily. We took a coach and taxi to our lodging. That night we walked around to find some supper. Most places we saw were Italian. After feasting in Sicily we did not want to try Italian so soon in another country. The next day we came to visit his clinic. We enjoyed our time with him. He drew Terry's blood himself and charged a very low rate for the exam in US dollars.

    We took a taxi to a fish and Chips place in a neighboring town, then buses and a train to our return coach. It was fun to explore where you live. Later he gave us the good results via email. We enjoyed his subsequent emails with us, always asking about how Terry was. He answered important questions when it was time for treatment last year.

    He was a unique and loving man who we were glad to know, if only briefly. His contributions to the ACOR CLL list were invaluable in educating us and making our treatment and follow up choices much more informed. We owe him much.

    Every spouse with CLL knows that without a miracle it is not curable. I admire how you supported Terry as he continued to serve and bless others and share his devotion to his Savior throughout his setbacks and struggles. We also share this blessed hope and His daily sustenance. May you be held tenderly in His arms and feel His great love as He becomes a husband to you and a father to your children. God bless you! Love Linda and Terry
