Thursday, January 06, 2011

Quick update

I had a coliform in my line and they took it out this afternoon. They gave the job to a newly qualified doctor and I was glad to act as a guinea pig to give her the experience. It took over an hour.

When I went out I found that I had a flat on the Jaguar. It will mean a new tyre (or tire)

This extends the period without chemotherapy and I will need a new line when the bacteremia has been eliminated.


  1. I am praying for you that things go smoothly.

  2. Thanks for the update. So glad you're back up to zero, at least.

  3. You sound let down Terry, but is dose intensity really important in your case? I feel that it means at least 2/52 without chemo or not?

  4. I've been thinking of having the irinotecan alone next course because it can be given through a peripheral line. I will be speaking to my oncologist.

  5. Hope that removing the line helps get you feeling better very soon. As always, your insights on your blog and on the ACOR list are very much appreciated!
