Thursday, October 07, 2010

new health bulletin

Health this week has improved. I would say that I am now back where I was before the chemotherapy started. My mucositis is in retreat and the colic is manageable. The diarrhea has abated. The only problem is that I can't sleep more than about 3 hours at night, which is why I am up typing at 1 am. Last night I got up at 4 am having lain awake for an hour without resting. It does mean I can get on with CLL8 and enables me to write poetry. I tell you, Coleridge, opium has nothing on dexamethasone.

Is the chemotherapy working? It is really too soon to tell. unlike CLL, the adenocarcinoma response to chemotherapy is more measured and I shall know whether I am better in about three months. I certainly don't want to stop the steroids until I have some sign that things are improving.

I restart the infusions on Saturday, but I hope that I will be better prepared to jump in with remedies for the side effects this time. I still have my hair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are wonderful, Dr. Terry!
We are praying for you every day over here in California. Thank you for contributing so much to all of us on the CLL ACOR site, in spite of dealing with your own important health issues. May God bless you and strengthen you and heal you is our prayer!
Will and Betty Rae Hartwick