Sunday, December 21, 2008

No blogging

I have not been blogging much recently. I had the beginnings of a virus in San Francisco and this developed into a heavy cold - what most people have been calling 'flu, but certainly isn't. I have had 'flu three times in my life and it is a much worse illness than this. A severe headache, a high fever, pains in the joints, shivering attacks and a complete listlessness; it is completely impossible to get out of bed. This has been characterized by tiredness, joint pains, sneezing, a sore throat and more recently a stuffy nose and a tickly cough. However, I have certainly not felt like working and have spent my time doing SUDOKU puzzles and watching old episodes of Poirot.

What I am beginning to do is to write my impressions of ASH which I will next blog about.


  1. An illustration that diseases can travel wide and fast in the 'jet' age. God help us if the terrorists make good on bioterrorism threats.

  2. Sounds like you have a nasty virus, Dr. Take your chicken soup and feel better. On the positive side, you should be well by Christmas!

    Jenny Lou

  3. Here's hoping you are feeling better in time for a joyful holiday.

    And, by the way, I enjoyed your personal disclosure about SUDOKU puzzles. I too am intrigued by those testy little puzzles.

  4. Oh my! I sure pray you feel better soon.Check out your Christmas greetings at CLLCFriends!Might perk you up!
    Take care and feel better!
    God Bless,

  5. Terry,
    Hope you feel better soon
    SUDOKU? You and my wife!
    Get well. And a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Terry,

    Merry Christmas.

    I look forward to your take on ASH.
    It was gratifying to see that Dr Keating mentioned the HZ vaccine concerns in an interview for patients reviewing ASH sponsored by the LLS, even though it was not really on the official ASH agenda. Likewise Dr Byrd wrote about not getting the vaccine for the Canadian CLL page.

    Now get well. I remember you got pretty sick visiting Canada a few years ago for a CLL event. Perhaps you may have an aversion to the former colonies.

    I am so grateful for all that you do. G-d bless.


  7. I started wondering what was going on and thinking you might be sick.
    Get well wishes and wishing you a blessed Christmas.

    Thank you for the blessing and encouragement you are to so many.

    Liz W.
    St Paul, MN
    very snowy here
