The Maharishi has died aged 91. The old charlatan deceived the Beatles, who may have known a thing or two about pop music, but were hopelessly naive about living life. George Harrison funded the Natural Law Party which contested the 1992 General Election fielding a candidate in nearly every constituency and garnering 0.4% of the vote. Not enough to have kept John Major in power. That was accomplished by the Welsh Windbag falling over his feet on Bournemouth beach and tumbling face first in the surf.
The picture illustrates Yogic Flying, the NLP's answer to all human ills. After the demise of the NLP, its leader was interviewed by the BBC in his hotel room in the Bahamas.
wasn't it brighton beach in 1983
Quite right! He fell on stony ground. Like the seed that sprang up quickly and withered.
It was the 1992 Sheffield rally that did for him in 1992.
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